Coherent Cohomology, spring 2014


The seminar will meet weekly on Wednesday 11.00–13.00 in room 409 of the Snellius building. The first meeting is on February 26.

For any questions regarding the seminar, please contact Wouter Zomervrucht.


February 26 Wouter Zomervrucht Introduction and preliminaries (notes).
March 5 Giulia Battiston The Leray spectral sequence (notes, references).
March 12 —no seminar—
March 19 Wouter Zomervrucht Proper pushforward of coherent sheaves (notes).
March 26 Maxim Mornev Derived categories (notes).
April 2 Christophe Debry Grothendieck-Serre duality.
April 9 Alexander Tonkelaar Classical Brown representability (notes).
April 16 Maxim Mornev Brown representability in triangulated categories (notes).
April 23 Jinbi Jin The dualizing complex and Grothendieck-Serre duality (notes).
April 30 Niels Lindner Taming the dualizing complex (notes).
October 10 Lenny Taelman The Woods-Hole trace formula.

The final lecture is on a Friday, 11.00–13.00, in room 401. Expanded notes can be found in the appendix of Sheaves and functions modulo p.


The aim of the seminar is to understand at least the following two topics: