Algebraic number theory Lorentz Center

Explicit algebraic number theory

Monday September 23, 10.00am: arrival of participants, coffee
Location: Lorentz Center (Oort building, third floor).
Friday September 27, 4.30pm: closing reception with drinks
Location: Lorentz Center


Courses on Monday through Thursday will be given by with guest appearances on Wednesday by The Friday concluding the Stieltjesweek is the first day of the


On Monday through Thursday we have the following day schedule: Proposed lectures:


Algebra, number theory, and point set topology.
This includes Galois theory, basic algebraic number theory and a knowledge of p-adic numbers.

How to participate

You need to register for the Stieltjesweek via the Lorentz-website. This will put you on the list of registered participants. There is no registration fee, and coffee and tea will be available for registered participants.

Further information

Algemene informatie over de Stieltjesweken is te vinden op de pagina Stieltjes Onderwijsweken.
For further questions, contact the speakers or send mail to

Maintained by Peter Stevenhagen (
Last modified: Thursday, 29-Aug-2002 17:13:51 CEST