September 23 - October 2, 2002
Lorentz Center, Leiden
The title Explicit algebraic number theory is borrowed from the series
Oberwolfach meetings
on Explicit methods in number theory. Those
meetings are characterized by a lively interaction between abstract and
advanced arithmetic theories on the one hand and concrete and elementary
questions on the other. The spirit of the present workshop, which
consists of 4 instructional days and 4 days of talks by (invited) participants,
is similar, but within the smaller compass of algebraic number theory.
Instructional part
The instructional part emphasizes problems that are inspired by questions
from other areas of mathematics, including elementary and algorithmic number
theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and computer algebra. The advanced
techniques from algebraic number theory that apply to these problems
include class field theory, infinite Galois theory, and the theory of
quadratic forms. The purpose of this part is to impart a working
knowledge of these theories to the participants, to provide ample
illustrations of their use, and to formulate several open problems that
may be approachable by means of the same techniques.
Prerequisites: basic algebra, number theory, and point set topology,
including Galois theory, algebraic number theory and a knowledge of
p-adic numbers.
- Hendrik Lenstra
- Peter Stevenhagen
- Bart de Smit
- Rene Schoof
lectures in the morning, problems and exercises in the afternoon.
See the
Stieltjesweek page for details.
register on-line
if you want to attend the instructional part. This will put you on the
list of participants.
NWO-OTKA workshop
The first day of the of the NWO-OTKA workshop (friday) will try to
provide illustrations of the material dealt with earlier in the week.
Schedule: 4 one hour talks.
The schedule on the 3 last days will be more flexible, leaving room
for shorter talks and research announcements.
We hope that many of our younger researchers will seize the occasion
to present something here.
Expected topics are explicit computations in algebraic number theory
(units, class groups) and (factorization of) polynomials.
Invited speakers:
- Yuri Bilu (Bordeaux)
- Jean-Marc Couveignes (Toulouse)
- Bas Edixhoven (Rennes)
- Jürgen Klüners (Kassel)
- Günter Lettl (Graz)
- Michael Pohst (Berlin)
- Andrzej Schinzel (Warszawa)
- René Schoof (Roma)
register on-line
if you want to attend the workshop. This will put you on the
list of participants.
Registered participants are entitled to free coffee and tea.
Neither the Stieltjesweek nor the workshop has a registration fee.
Last modified: Monday, 23-Sep-2002 18:30:41 CEST