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short curriculum vitae

Assistant Professor in Mathematics at Leiden University (tenure track) since 1 January 2006

Postdoc at Free University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, March 1999 - October 2005

PhD student and Teaching Assistant at Catholic University of Nijmegen, September 1994 - December 1998
(1 Semester at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Computer Science, 22 February 1999

Study Technical Mathematics at Delft University of Technology, September 1990 - August 1994
Master of Science (cum laude) in Technical Mathematics, 9 September 1994

Secondary Education (VWO) at the Openbare Dalton Scholengemeenschap Voorburg-Leidschendam, Netherlands
Diploma in 1990